1. two types of spaces, both isolated

  2. two to three types of spaces, all isolated

  3. three to four types of spaces, all isolated

  4. four types of spaces, all joined

  5. five types of spaces, mostly joined

  6. four types of spaces, mostly joined

  7. three types of spaces, isolated and joined

  8. five types of spaces, all joined

  9. four types of spaces, mostly joined

  10. two sets of two types of spaces, isolated sets but joined spaces

  11. four types of spaces, isolated and joined

  12. four to five types of spaces, all joined

  13. four types of spaces, isolated and joined

  14. many types of spaces, all joined

  15. five types of spaces, isolated and joined

  16. many different types of spaces, all joined with qualities of isolation

  17. many different types of spaces, mostly joined

  18. five types of spaces, mostly isolated

  19. many different types of spaces, mostly joined

  20. many types of spaces, isolated and joined

  21. many similar types of spaces, mostly isolated

  22. many similar types of spaces, mostly isolated

  23. many similar types of spaces, all isolated

  24. many similar types of spaces, all isolated